
You can integrate VDGS module into your airport in two ways, either by including everything necessary in your airport package, or by relying on a separately installed module package. Either approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Embedded module

The airport package includes everything needed to run, such as SimObjects, model behaviors, and the WASM module.


  • Works on all platforms, including Xbox.
  • Does not require any additional software.


  • Updating the VDGS module requires re-shipping the entire airport package.
  • Aircraft type detection is limited and more prone to errors and misidentification.

If a separately installed module is detected, the VDGS module included in the airport package seamlessly switches to the separate module. This allows end-users to access the latest VDGS features even if their airport has not been updated.

Separate module

The airport package contains only SimObjects of docking devices.


  • All program logic is abstracted away in a separate package and very little to maintain remains in the airport package.
  • Updating the module is easy. Installing a new version of the VDGS module updates all airports simultaneously.


  • The VDGS module must be installed separately. This process can be automated by your installer (see Installation).

This approach is recommended, unless you specifically need to embed everything into your airport package for a MSFS Marketplace/Xbox release.